The Huchuy Picchu, the new mountain in Machu Picchu

The Huchuy Picchu is the new hiking route available in Machu Picchu. It is located on a slope of Huayna Picchu, the summit that stands out in the classic photo of the Inca citadel. The route to the top of ‘Huchuy’ is simple. It only requires an uphill walk of approximately 30 minutes. From there you have a panoramic view of the archaeological site. The entrance ticket also includes a short circuit through Machupicchu. Do you dare to climb the top of this mountain?


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The Huchuy Picchu in Machu Picchu

The Huchuy Picchu is the new mountain available in the visit to Machu Picchu.

It is a small mountain where the Incas built a set of stone steps to reach its top, located about fifty meters higher than the Inca citadel.

Precisely the Quechua word ‘Huchuy Picchu’ means ‘Little Mountain’.

The hike to the top of Huchuy Picchu is very easy. Everyone can do it. Stone steps and flat sections are ascended for approximately 30 minutes.

Once at the top of this mountain, you have a privileged panoramic view of the Inca citadel (keep in mind that this photo is not the classic postcard photo you get in the Casa del Guardian sector).

In addition, you can have contact with the striking nature that surrounds Machu Picchu, such as: birds, flowers, plants, insects and, with luck, mammals (such as the spectacled bear).

To enter the Huchuypicchu mountain, you must buy the ticket ‘Machu Picchu + Huchuy Picchu’, which is valid since 2022. This ticket also allows you to tour circuit 4 of the Machu Picchu archaeological site. You dare?

Huchuy picchu

Where is?

The Huchuy Picchu mountain is located in the northern part of the Inca citadel of Machu Picchu. It is part of one of the slopes of the Huayna Picchu mountain (its top is 2,693 meters above sea level).

The top of the Huchuypicchu mountain is 2,497 meters above sea level).

How to get?

To get to the top of Huchuypicchu you must buy the ticket ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’. Then you must follow the following route on foot:

  • From the entrance gate to Machu Picchu, the route through circuit 4 is carried out (preferably with a tour guide).
  • After 1 hour of walking through the Inca constructions, you will arrive at the entrance gate to Huayna Picchu, which also allows access to Huchuy Picchu.
  • Upon entering you will come to a control booth. Tickets are registered there. There is a detour whose sign says: ‘To Huchuy Picchu’.
  • The walk is uphill and takes approximately 30 minutes. There are no detours so the route is safe.
  • Once at the top you have a privileged view of the archaeological site of Machupicchu.

History of the Huchuy Picchu mountain

Machu Picchu was ordered to be built by the Emperor Pachacútec in approximately 1450.

The Incas worshiped the mountains, which is why they built roads and stone steps to access the tops. Such is the case in the mountains Machu Picchu, Huayna Picchu and also the Huchuy Picchu.

After the Spanish invasion, the inhabitants of Machu Picchu supported the Inca rebel army ‘The Incas of Vilcabamba’ in the mid-16th century. Thus, Machu Picchu was abandoned for more than three centuries.

In 1911 the news of the discovery of Machu Picchu by the American explorer Hiram Bingham went around the world. Since then, the archaeological excavation and enhancement work began.

In the 21st century, a hiking route to the top of Huayna Picchu was opened. Any tourist could access this mountain and also Huchuy Picchu, one of its slopes.

In 2022 the route to Huchuy Picchu becomes an independent circuit. Even to visit it, you must buy a different ticket called ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’.

Today the Huchuy Picchu is one of the main adventure tourist attractions within Machu Picchu.

Huchuy picchu

This is the route to the top of Huchuy Picchu

The hike to the top of Huchuy Picchu is easy, anyone can do it, even children or older adults.

From the entrance to the mountain, approximately fifty stone steps are ascended. This route also includes flat sections surrounded by beautiful nature.

After between 30 to 1 hour of ascent (it depends on the rhythm of each visitor) the top of Huchuy Picchu is reached (at 2,497 masl). From there you have panoramic views of the archaeological site.

Then it’s time to return. The way back follows the same stretch as the ascent, only this time downhill. It takes between 30 to 45 minutes or even less.

Difference between Huchuypicchu and Huaynapicchu

Differences between the Huaynapicchu and Huchuypicchu mountains in Machu Picchu

Huayna Picchu Mountain Huchuy Picchu Mountain

Huayna Picchu Mountain Huchuy Picchu Mountain

Huayna Picchu Mountain Huchuy Picchu Mountain

Name Young Mountain Small Mountain

Name Young Mountain Small Mountain

Name Young Mountain Small Mountain

Height 2,693 masl. 2,497 masl.

Height 2,693 masl. 2,497 masl.

Height 2,693 masl. 2,497 masl.

Walk 2 kilometers uphill Almost 1 kilometer uphill

Walk 2 kilometers uphill Almost 1 kilometer uphill

Walk 2 kilometers uphill Almost 1 kilometer uphill

Moderate difficulty – high Easy

Moderate difficulty – high Easy

Moderate difficulty – high Easy

Inca constructions Temple of the Moon There are no Inca constructions

Inca constructions Temple of the Moon There are no Inca constructions

Inca constructions Temple of the Moon There are no Inca constructions

Panoramic views of all Machu Picchu Panoramic view of the archaeological site

Panoramic views of all Machu Picchu Panoramic view of the archaeological site

Panoramic views of all Machu Picchu Panoramic view of the archaeological site

Restrictions Only over 12 years Suitable for everyone

Restrictions Only over 12 years Suitable for everyone

Restrictions Only over 12 years Suitable for everyone

Ticket included ‘Machupicchu + Huaynapicchu’ ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’

Ticket included ‘Machupicchu + Huaynapicchu’ ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’

Ticket included ‘Machupicchu + Huaynapicchu’ ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’

Price of admission

The ‘Machupicchu + Huchuypicchu’ entrance has the same cost as the entrances: ‘Machupicchu Solo’ and ‘Machupicchu + Inca Bridge’.

The ticket costs 152 soles for foreign adults, 77 soles for university students and 70 soles for children under 18 years of age.

The ticket allows discounts for citizens of the Andean Community of Nations (Peru, Colombia, Ecuador and Bolivia). Adults from these countries pay 64 soles, university students 32 soles and those under 18 years old, 32 soles.

Visiting hours

The Huchuypicchu mountain has the following visiting hours:

  • First group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 6 to 7 in the morning. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 7 and 8 in the morning.
  • Second group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 7 to 8 in the morning. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 8 and 9 in the morning.
  • Third group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 8 to 9 in the morning. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 9 and 10 in the morning.
  • Fourth group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 9 to 10 in the morning. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 10 and 11 in the morning.
  • Fifth group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 10 to 11 in the morning. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 11 in the morning and noon.
  • Sixth group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 11 am to noon. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between noon and 1 in the afternoon.
  • Seventh group: Access to Machu Picchu is from noon to 1 in the afternoon. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 1 and 2 in the afternoon.
  • Eighth group: Access to Machu Picchu is from 1 to 2 in the afternoon. The entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is between 2 and 3 in the afternoon.

Frequently asked questions about Huchuy Picchu mountain

  1. What is Huchuy Picchu?

Huchuy Picchu means “small mountain” in the Quechua language. It is a small mountain located north of Machu Picchu. The route to its top is open to tourists.                                                

  1. At what altitude is the top of Huchuypicchu?

The top of this mountain is 2,497 meters above sea level (8,192 feet elevation).

  1. Why choose the entrance to the Huchuy Picchu mountain?

The hike to the top of Huchuy Picchu is easy, making it a recommended route for the family. The view from its top is panoramic. 

  1. How much does the entrance to the Huchuypicchu mountain cost?

This ‘Machupicchu + Huchuy Picchu’ ticket costs 152 soles for foreign adults (64 soles for Peruvian adults). 

  1. Is access to Huchuy Picchu for all ages?

Yes, access to this mountain is free for people of all ages. The route is safe!

  1. What photo can I get at Huchuy Picchu?

From the top of this mountain tourists can get scenic views of the archaeological site of Machu Picchu.

  1. Where is the Huchuy Picchu in Machu Picchu?

The access to the Huchuy Picchu mountain is the same as that of the Huayna Picchu mountain. It is located north of the Inca citadel (a few steps from the famous Sacred Rock).

  1. Is the hike to Huchuy Picchu difficult?

The hike to the top of this mountain is easy. It takes between 30 minutes to 1 hour to get there, or even sooner depending on the pace of each visitor. It is a route suitable for the whole family!

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