San Blas in Cusco: free visit

The San Blas neighborhood is known as the ‘bohemian neighborhood’. It is located just 15 minutes walk from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco. In addition to the Plaza and the colonial church of San Blas, there you can see the historic craft shops of the Mérida, Olave and Mendivil families. You can also spend a moment of tranquility, away from the intense commerce of the city center. And the best thing is that a visit to this Cusco space is free for everyone. Learn more!

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What is San Blas in Cusco?

San Blas is one of the most historic and traditional neighborhoods in the city of Cusco.

It owes its name to the colonial temple of San Blas, which in Inca times was the temple of the ‘Illapa’ lightning bolt.

In addition, during the Inca era, this neighborhood was home to several families of artisans. This is demonstrated by its narrow and long streets with space for just one person and one llama to pass through.

Likewise, due to its location in the upper part of the city, it was also known as the ‘Balcony of Cusco’.

During the colonial era, the San Blas neighborhood continued to serve as a home for artisans. However, they now produced works with Western religious themes (with characteristics typical of the Andes).

Thus, in the San Blas neighborhood, the craft galleries of the Mérida, Olave and Mendivil families are famous to this day. Likewise, there are other artisan galleries with products of great beauty in the place.

Today, in addition, you can visit the temple and the square of San Blas, two places with history and where the commercial bustle of the center of Cusco does not reach.

Today this Cusco neighborhood is known as the ‘bohemian neighborhood’. The square is usually visited by ‘backpacker’ tourists.

The visit to the San Blas neighborhood and its different tourist attractions is free for everyone.

barrio san blas Cusco

Where is it?

The San Blas neighborhood is located about 600 meters uphill from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco (approximately 15 minute walk)..

How to get there?

To get there you just have to follow Triunfo streets, Hatun Rumiyoc (famous for the 12 Angle Stone) and the difficult San Blas slope.

After a short but intense walk, you reach the San Blas square.

What to see in San Blas?

In the San Blas neighborhood you can visit:

  • Colonial Church of San Blas – This church was an Inca temple dedicated to lightning (god Illapa). The Spanish destroyed it and built the temple of San Blas on its foundations. It is considered the oldest parish in Cusco (1544 A.D.). It has simple baroque architecture but striking interior decoration.
  • San Blas craft centers – Throughout the San Blas neighborhood you can distinguish craft stores such as (paintings, textiles, ceramics, sculptures and more). However, among all of them, the craft centers of the Olave, Mérida and Mendivil families stand out. The latter are famous for their sculptures of saints and virgins with elongated necks.
  • San Blas square and market – The San Blas square is small but quiet. Backpacker tourists like to go there. On one side is the church of San Blas, craft shops and, a few steps further, the neighborhood market. This market offers an interesting cultural experience. There you can buy menus at popular prices (up to $2 per lunch)
barrio san blas Cusco

How to visit San Blas in Cusco for free?

The visit to the San Blas neighborhood in Cusco is free for all tourists. It belongs to a public street and square, so the visit has no cost. Take advantage of!

Visit hours

As it is part of the public thoroughfare of Cusco, the visit to the San Blas neighborhood does not have a fixed schedule. However, for greater safety of tourists, it is recommended to visit during daylight hours: from 7 in the morning to 6 in the afternoon. 

Other tourist attractions near San Blas

On the route to the San Blas neighborhood you can also visit:

  • The 12 Angle Stone – This famous stone is located on Hatun Rumiyoc Street. It is part of a large Inca wall that belonged to the palace of Inca Roca. The visit is free for everyone. An excellent option is to visit it with a Cusco Free Tours (professional guide included).
  • Sapantiana Aqueduct – This colonial construction is located at the end of Choquechaka Street. It has a waterfall along its stairs that, in the rainy season, offer a beautiful landscape, ideal for photographs. The visit is also free for all tourists.
  • Calle 7 Culebras – This long Inca street is located in the Las Nazarenas square (very close to the Plaza de Armas). It owes its name to the stone engraving of seven snakes (symbolizing wisdom in the Inca worldview) on an Inca wall (current Las Nazarenas monastery). It is one of the most famous streets in Cusco.

Questions and answers about San Blas en Cusco

What is the San Blas neighborhood?

San Blas is one of the most famous traditional neighborhoods in Cusco. It offers craft shops, the colonial church of the same name and a lot of history.


Where it is located?

The San Blas neighborhood is located 600 meters uphill from the Plaza de Armas of Cusco.


How to get to the San Blas neighborhood from Plaza del Cusco?

From the Main Plaza you must walk 15 minutes uphill passing through Triunfo Street, Hatun Rumiyoc and Cuesta de San Blas.


How much does it cost to visit the San Blas neighborhood? It’s free?

Visiting the San Blas neighborhood is free for everyone. It is one of the most historic and tourist areas of the city.


What to see in the San Blas neighborhood?

In this famous Cusco neighborhood you can visit: the church of San Blas, the craft centers of the Mérida, Olave, Mendivil families, the small square of the same name and more.


What are the most famous craft stores in San Blas – Cusco?

In San Blas there are many craft stores. The most famous, without a doubt, belong to the Mérida, Olave and Mendivil families, the latter acclaimed for their sculptures of saints and virgins with elongated necks.


Is it safe to visit the San Blas neighborhood?

Yes, the neighborhood is a safe place with police security at all times. However, it is recommended to visit during the day (from 7 am to 6 pm).


How to visit the church of San Blas in Cusco?

The entrance to the church of San Blas is included in the Cusco Religious Circuit Ticket which costs 45 soles (includes Cathedral, Archbishop’s Palace and more). Admission only costs 10 Peruvian soles.


Why is San Blas known as the balcony of Cusco?

The nickname ‘Balcón del Cusco’ is due to the fact that from San Blas you have scenic views of the city.


What other tourist attractions to see near the San Blas neighborhood in Cusco?

During your visit you can also visit the Stone of the 12 Angles, the Sapantiana aqueduct or 7 Culebras Street. They are all free! Take advantage of!

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