How was education in Inca times?

Educación inca

Inca education was class-oriented for the elite for government tasks. The common population received a practical education in their homes.

How were the Incas physically?

Como eran los incas físicamente

Physically the Incas were short. The Inca elite was taller than the people. The beard was scanty. The hair neither long nor short. copper skin color.

The Inka Museum of Cusco: How much does it cost? What to see?

Museo inka-Cusco

The Inka Museum of Cusco is considered the best in Cusco. It is that it has an important collection of ceramics, textiles, tools and more (its collection of keros or Inca ceremonial vessels stands out). Its rooms also exhibit pieces and infographics from the Peruvian cultures that preceded the Incas. Highlight the Inca tomb in real size. The cost of admission is very cheap – from approximately 3 dollars. Learn more!

5 Cusco festivals that you can enjoy for free on your visit

Fiestas del Cusco

Cusco offers numerous tourist attractions to visit such as: Sacsayhuaman, the Sacred Valley of the Incas, the Humantay lagoon, the 7-color mountain and, of course, Machu Picchu. However, in Cusco you can also appreciate the traditions and culture of its inhabitants. And the best way to get to know them is through the city festivals. Learn about 5 festivities that you can meet for free in Cuzco!